Native PL/SQL Application to Capture Source Code and Configuration Data
ODBCapture is a native PL/SQL application that can be used to capture self-building scripts (source code and configuration data) for a database.
This website is intended for user information and usage documentation. Development guides and design documentation can be found in the wiki
Click here for an ODBCapture Example using Oracle’s Sample Schema.
Click here for a white paper overview on Capturing Self-Build Scripts.
Click here for installation and configuration information.
Click here for supported database versions information.
Click here for supported database objects and data types information.
Existing tools like TOAD, PL/SQL Developer, and SQL*Developer can create “source code” scripts from an Oracle database. They can also create data load scripts from an Oracle database. What they cannot do is create a cohesive set of database build scripts that execute from a single “install.sql” script.
Existing database source code is handled by Liquibase and Flyway which are “diff” engines. These “diff” engines simply track changes to a database. Rarely is the source code from these “diff” engines ever used to create a database from nothing. Typically, the database source code from these “diff” engines require some existing database to get started.
Oracle has released its “Project” command in their SQL*cl tool. Along with the expected diff engine for Liquibase, it also creates installation scripts for source code and data from the database. A comparison of SQL*cl is included here
ODBCapture is not a “diff” engine. ODBCapture is unique in its ability to create Oracle database build scripts that can create different “flavors” of Oracle databases from a common set of source code.
A database build occurs after an initialization to an empty database or PDB. (See the white paper above for more details.)
ODBCapture captures database source code in a set of scripts, all of which are called from a common “install.sql”
ODBCapture captures configuration data source code.
ODBCapture captures “build layers”, allowing for different database builds for different purposes (“flavors” of Oracle databases).
Click here for more information about different database builds.
Oracle databases include a massive amount of functionality. Oracle is constantly changing that functionality for various reasons. ODBCapture is open source and can be quickly modified to meet new requirements for changes in database functionality.
ODBCapture provides source code portability between Oracle databases running on a variety of platforms.
ODBCapture is pure Oracle (SQL, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader) No need to train/hire expertise in non-Oracle development to use/modify ODBCapture.
Auditing source code is a simple process. It is described in the Build Sequence listed in the “builds” folder on the main page on GitHub. The basic idea is to capture application source code from the production database and compare it to the application source code in the source control system (ex. Git). In the build sequence from the “builds” folder, the Linux “diff” utility is used to compare the 2 sets of files.
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